
Not getting the praise you deserve, unhappy in your job?
One of the main reasons that our We Love Pets franchisees cite for switching careers is that they felt unhappy or undervalued in their previous roles, and they’re not alone! A survey conducted by Investors in People found that, on average, 1 in 3 people are unhappy at work.

Reasons for discontent range from harassment and discrimination (yep, it still happens) to being held back from career progression, sometimes even by a team of colleagues or a manager. We often hear from our franchisees about horrible bosses that didn’t offer any praise or support.

Others may not consider themselves unhappy but are bored in their job and are seeking a new challenge. We all need to earn money, but it’s not always enough to keep us in a job. At the end of the day, we’re all human and we want to feel valued, and have a challenging and dynamic role where we can learn, grow and make a difference.

Becoming a franchisee gives people the opportunity to own a business in a sector that they’re invested in and passionate about. And, although our franchisees follow our successful We Love Pets model, it’s still their business to drive and grow. With a strong support network of pet experts and fellow franchisees, and a website that generates enquiries from the growing pet care industry, you’ll be more than set up for success.

Register for a brochure here and take the first step to an exciting future!