
Behind the Brand: We Love Pets 

In the ever-changing world of franchises, We Love Pets is all about embracing constant innovation. That’s why we’re constantly innovating, upgrading, and using the latest tools to remain the UK’s leading full-service pet care franchise. Our dedication earned us the 40th spot in the UK’s Elite 100 Franchises, showcasing our incredible success and growth.

Investing in Technology 

We believe in using technology to empower our franchise owners, making their business operations smoother and more efficient. Our goal is to keep our website cutting-edge, our booking systems swift and effective, and our communication seamless and user-friendly. This commitment to technological advancement ensures that we stay at the forefront of the industry. 

The We Love Pets App 

Over the past few years, we’ve invested in our website, CRM, and booking systems. It’s all about keeping our franchisees ahead of the game and gaining as much traction as possible. When we brought in our new digital genius, he came with passion, exceptional skills, and a real love for our brand. Now, our latest innovation, the WLP App, is set to change how franchisees and customers interact with WLP. It’s got advanced scheduling, staff management tools, and a financial dashboard -all at the click of a button. Customers can book and adjust visits easily, while franchise owners get a clear view of their business. Our franchisees have given it a thorough test to ensure its user-friendly and works perfectly on the go.

Endless Training: Building Skills at Every Step

Training forms the cornerstone of our business. We prioritise educating franchise owners, whether it’s onboarding or teaching them about pet care. While HQ manages business training, our dedication to pet care led us to launch Novabright. This advanced course provider ensures that franchisees have the tools to deliver the very best pet care possible (more details in our magazine!).

Our Vision for the Brand 

At We Love Pets, we’ve been growing incredibly year on year. Our goal is straightforward: to keep expanding while upholding the high standards that have made us so renowned. We’re dedicated to offering exceptional full-service pet care to our customers. Plus, for franchise owners, we provide a competitive investment opportunity with our thriving, award-winning brand.

Discover More 

Want to know more? Join us for a Discovery Day to learn about the exciting opportunities we offer. Contact us at [email protected] to book your spot today! 

With a clear vision and a relentless pursuit of excellence, We Love Pets continues to lead the way in full-service pet care. Our aim is to ensure that every pet and pet owner receives the best possible care and attention.