
We Love Pets has the happiest franchisees in the UK

If you’re at the helm of the UK’s premier full-service pet franchise, your optimism is well-founded.

Jo White, a former lawyer, established the business in 2008 and operates it alongside her husband, animal specialist Ryan White, whom she married in 2017. We Love Pets boasts 120 carefully chosen franchisees who manage branches in 187 locations throughout the UK, providing care for a variety of animals including cats, dogs, guinea pigs, and reptiles

The highest growing franchise network in the UK

This thriving franchise, affiliated with the British Franchise Association, annually grants around 20 new franchises, and maintains a flawless success rate for those following its operational model. The team of ten includes a veterinary surgeon who oversees policy, provides guidance, and conducts workshops for franchisees. Each franchisee is required to complete a continuing professional development (CPD) course in pet care offered through Novabright, the company’s training division.

The franchise recently conducted its inaugural anonymous survey of franchisees, receiving responses from 75% of them, which significantly exceeds the industry’s typical 30% response rate.

The survey featured open-ended questions and benchmarks such as:

– 91% agree or strongly agree that they love being part of the We Love Pets family.

– 90% agree or strongly agree that the We Love Pets culture is supportive and familial.

– 88% agree or strongly agree that they know where to get help when needed.

Franchise feedback leads to massive business improvements

Feedback has led to improvements including increased engagement for new franchisees, additional educational webinars, more frequent technology updates, and monthly insights, while ending the monthly newsletter production.

Matt Davey, Director of Strategy and Operations, expressed satisfaction with the survey’s outcomes, noting that it provided a platform for genuine feedback and helped pinpoint areas needing improvement. The survey is a co-creative tool that helps align internal goals with franchisee feedback, enhancing trust and engagement within the network.

Tracey Alexander, who has been with We Love Pets Reading East for ten years, praised the responsiveness to the survey results, highlighting the company’s supportive nature and the value of anonymous feedback.

Jo White commented on the importance of monitoring and supporting the network to foster continuous improvement through honest feedback. The anonymity of the survey encourages candidness, which is crucial for making data-driven decisions. She is excited about the future and anticipates major developments for We Love Pets.

For more information on joining this leading pet care franchise in the UK, visit: www.welovepets.care/franchise