Deb from We Love Pets Herefordshire walking dog Herefordshire

Meet Deb – We Love Pets Herefordshire

Meet Deb, owner of our new We Love Pets Herefordshire branch. Deb has always had dogs, cats, mice, chickens and even tarantulas! “We grew up near a farm, so I’ve spent my life with animals, I always remember as a child in spring going to feed the lambs”.  

What have you done previously before deciding to start your journey with WLP? 

I’ve worked for Lloyds Bank as a business development manager covering a large area. I have always been used to travelling to exciting business events and meeting new clients. Working in business development for a commercial bank has given me many useful skills in business, financial planning and customer service. I was made redundant during the pandemic which gave me the time to have a break and focus on what I want to do next.  

My career history has given me all the skills and experience in business, customer service, commercial planning and business management to make me feel prepared for setting up my We Love Pets business. I used to look after 300+ clients and advise them on their businesses, and now to have my own is a super exciting new journey. 

What are you most excited about with having a WLP branch? 

I’m really looking forward to being in control of my working life, I can’t wait to own my own business and I’m so excited to build a passionate, like-minded team of people.  

I can’t wait to be outside more spending time with animals, I couldn’t think of a better thing to call work! It’s refreshing to escape the corporate machine; I feel as if I’ve stepped out of the mechanical system and now have the freedom to be in control and make my own decisions.  

How did you discover WLP? 

I was thinking about getting a new job, I wasn’t entirely sure what, but I knew I didn’t want to be sat in front of a screen all day. I applied to become a dog walker with another pet care company, I was one of the final candidates, but she then gave the job to her friend instead. So, I started to look for other dog walking jobs and that’s when I come across the WLP Kidderminster branch who were advertising.

After looking more into WLP, It then got me thinking about having my own pet care business. So, I contacted the franchise manager at Lloyds Bank and asked him about WLP – he said they were brilliant, and the bank had just given them an award! I asked him if he thought I could run a franchise, he said I’d be perfect for it!.. He then introduced me to Jo and Ryan, and here we are!

I still very much have the banking and business side installed into me from my previous role, so it was important to me to find an actual viable business opportunity and WLP just kept ticking the boxes!

What are your hobbies?  

I love hiking and being outside in nature. I own a campervan which I love to drive around the UK, I recently completed the North Coast 500 in Scotland, and it was incredible!

I also love to upcycle furniture into gin cabinets in my spare time, it’s a great creative and calming outlet.